Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters are photochromic indicators that change color based on the accumulated dose of invisible UV-C irradiation that is delivered to a surface. The color change helps users see if surfaces have received enough energy to kill or inactivate viruses, bacteria and spores.

Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters are a necessary component of successful ultraviolet disinfection – because they validate three key areas:
Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters give you visible evidence that your device is actually emitting germicidal UV-C.
Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters let you see when you’ve delivered a target dose to a variety of surfaces around a room or on objects within a disinfection chamber.
Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters enable you to demonstrate where UV-C irradiation is extending so you can avoid unintended exposure to humans or animals.
Intellego Healthcare Dosimeters: A Visual Guide
Intellego Technologies’ easy to use UV Dosimeters help medical professionals in their quest to destroy the Covid-19 virus. When used in concert with a UV-C disinfection device, our UVC dosimeters provide a visual confirmation of the UV-C light exposure.
How much UV-C is needed to kill SARS-CoV, the virus that causes COVID19?
A study conducted by a team of researchers at Boston University determined that a dose of 22 mJ/cm² of UV-C irradiation achieved a 6-log or 99.9999% reduction of SARS-CoV-2. Using UVC Dosimeters with every disinfection cycle enables you to truly SEE if you’ve reached your target dose. For more on the study, click here.
What is UV-C and How Does it Kill Pathogens?
UV-C is part of the invisible ultraviolet spectrum with wavelengths in the range of 200 – 280 nanometers (nm). UV-C is the wavelength that is proven to be most effective for germicidal disinfection.
Although UV-C is naturally produced by the sun, it’s absorbed by the ozone layer so it doesn’t reach earth like UV-A and UV-B. In order to use UV-C for germicidal irradiation, it is artificially produced by using low-pressure mercury vapor lamps (254 nm), UVC LEDs (260-280 nm), filtered Far UVC excimer lamp modules and pulsed xenon devices.
When bacteria, viruses, spores and mold are exposed to UV-C energy, it damages the molecular structure (DNA/RNA) which results in cellular death and/or viral inactivation.
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) has been used since the 1950s as a successful, chemical-free method to kill pathogens on surfaces, in air and in water. UVC is effective against bacteria, viruses, spores and fungi. In June 2020, test results from Signify and Boston University showed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, can be inactivated by UV-C in ~25 seconds with a dose of 22 mJ/cm2.